We’ve all had occasion to use sticky notes around our home or office to remind us of those little things we all forget, just when we need them. So we write a quick note and stick it on the bulletin board, computer screen, refrigerator or another place we know will be just the right place to find it when we need it — except when we lose it!
But, wouldn’t it be great to keep that sticky note with us all the time, no matter where we wander?
We can! If we have a smartphone, all we need is a little bit of help from an app.
I use Google Keep for my notes because it is dead simple, fast, convenient, sends reminders if I need them, and … it comes free with my Gmail account.
Keep is cloud based so I can even type the notes on my computer at home and be sure they’ll be patiently waiting for me to open when I need them on my phone. Paper sticky notes are great for note-taking folks worldwide because of their utility, convenience and low cost. Note-taking smartphone apps share the same benefits, plus all the other advantages we have come to appreciate about our smartphones: take-it-everywhere availability, web-connected features, instant searchability and much more. [Read more…] about Sticky notes to go